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Info for Parents/Carers

Info for Parents/Carers

Here’s some of the key information you need as a parent/carer of one of our members, or if you’re hoping to join our Group.

Check out our ‘About Us’ pages for specific information about each section!

We have 4 sections in our Group:

  • Squirrels (aged 4-6)
  • Beavers (aged 6-8)
  • Cubs (Aged 8-10.5)
  • Scouts (Aged 10.5-14)

Explorers also meet at out Scout Hut, but are a district provision (aged 14-18). You can find more information about Harrier Explorers HERE

Meeting Times


Tuesday: 17:30-18:30



Monday: Early session 17:30-18:25

Monday: Late session 18:35-19:30



Wednesday: 18:30-20:00

Thursday (Section opening in April 2024): 19:00-20:30



Tuesday: 19:00-21:00


Sections usually have one session per week meeting at the Scout Hut, and there are other activities such as outings, hikes and camps that take place on an ad-hock basis. We don’t meet during school holidays- as schools across Warrington have these at different dates, the leaders will communicate which dates they are choosing not to meet.



Our current membership fee (as of January 2024) is £120 per year, billed as £10 per month (12 months per year). This covers our usual meetings at the Scout Hut, badges, insurance etc. Additional activities such as outings and camps usually have an additional cost for those choosing to attend. We are a non-profit charity and aim to keep Scouting affordable and accessible to all.

Get Involved:

Our Scout Group has over 100 young members, and over 20 volunteers that make everything happen. From running the activities, buying badges, organising events and camps, to fundraising to build our Scout Hut and pay for new tents, even writing this website! Everything we do, is possible because of volunteers.

The more people that join our AWESOME team, the more sections we can open, to let more kids join our group and benefit from Scouting.

The question isn’t ‘Will you help us’… we want to know HOW you can help us! Everyone has something to offer- you don’t have to be Bear Grylls to support us! Please speak to any leader about what support they need, or contact for some more information- we’re really friendly!



We are a uniformed organisation, each section has a different uniform and standards.

We have a group neckerchief (also known as a scarf, but we usually say ‘Necker!’) which is blue and yellow- we present this, and the initial joining badges at an investiture ceremony for new members. The necker is held in place using a ‘woggle’ (a small tube the necker slides through).

Parents/carers are welcome to join us for this session to see their child making their Scout Promise and being welcomed formally into our group.

All badges/awards will be provided by us, but it is for you to get the uniform (see below!)

What uniform is required?

  • Red jumper (either the official version, or bought from a supermarket in matching colour)
  • Necker and woggle- (provided by us)
  • Dark trousers or leggings
  • Trainers

We do different activities easy week so prepare to get messy/dirty and spend lots of time being active and adventurous!




  • Beaver Jumper
  • Necker and woggle- (provided by us)
  • Dark trousers or leggings
  • Trainers

We do different activities easy week so prepare to get messy/dirty and spend lots of time being active and adventurous!


  • Cub Jumper
  • Necker and woggle- (provided by us)
  • Dark trousers or leggings
  • Dark Trainers/shoes (Feel free to bring other shoes for activities)

We do different activities easy week so prepare to get messy/dirty and spend lots of time being active and adventurous!

  • Scout shirt- ironed
  • Necker and woggle- (provided by us)
  • Scout activity trousers (or matching version from supermarket etc)
  • Smart dark shoes (such as school shoes.)

We recommend bringing trainers/boots and clothes to change into for activities.

Where to buy uniform:

New uniform can be bought from our local Scout Shop:

This shop if usually the best value and also supports Scouting in Warrington as proceeds are reinvested into the Warrington Districts.

Opening hours:

Tuesday 7:00pm – 9:00pm

Saturday 10:00am – 12:00pm

Warrington Scout Shop
Vale Owen Road
Warrington, WA2 8PG


Kit Exchange:

We operate a uniform and kit exchange- if you’d like to donate any used uniform, hiking boots, waterproofs, sleeping bags or rucksacks- we will store these at the Scout Hut for anyone that needs them to use (free of charge.)

If you’d like to see what is available, please ask a leader. There is no charge for this, but please consider re-donating anything for others to use once you no longer need items!


Badges and Awards

Animal lover – check. Book worm – check. Photographer – check. Footballer – check. Daredevil – check.

You name it, we’ve got a badge for it – over 200 of them actually. Scouts work together on badges at their weekly meetings, away at camps and events, or at home. Badges are easy to earn, and for many, you don’t need anyone special to sign them off.

There’s never any pressure to do badges. Scouts can do as many or as few as they like.

But for those up for a challenge, there are loads of exciting badges to aim for, such as the Chief Scout’s AcornBronzeSilver and Gold Awards. These are the highest awards that Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs  and Scouts can earn.

Staged Awards

These are awards such as Swimmer, Hikes Away, Nights Away etc- these are cumulative and are built on as your child progresses through the sections. You only wear the highest number badge on your uniform so please return replaces badges to us to keep our costs as low as possible. If you wish to keep these as keepsakes, you can do by donating £1 to us. Please transfer the staged awards to new uniform as your child moves up to new sections.

Where do badges go?

It’s easy to find out where all your hard-earned badges go, just have a look at the links below:

Squirrel Badges

Beaver Badges

Cub Badges

Scout Badges



Online Scout Manager (OSM) is the database we use for recording information about our young members, and also all of our communications and programme planning.

When you join the group, you’ll be given a parent/carer account to see everything we have planned for your child, badges we’re working on, their progress with awards etc. It’s also the place to sign up to our helper rotas.

It’s also the way we take payments for membership fee, and for additional events and activities.

It’s EXTREMELY important that you keep an eye on this, and keep your child’s details up to date- this includes allergies and other important medical info.



The Joining Process:

Due to the huge demand to join our Group, We are having to operate a waiting list at the moment- Some children will have to wait a while to be offered a place and sadly, not everyone will be able to join us due to capacity. We DO want everyone to get the chance to join us and want to open additional sections to let this happen- but need more help running the sessions for this to happen.

How to join:

  1. If your child would like to join us, please complete our joining form here.
  2. Your information will be added to a waiting list, and we’ll let you know when/if we are able to offer you a place to join us. You won’t necessarily be contacted straight away and it can take a while for us to process your joining form and get back to you- please be patient!
  3. If you don’t live close to Woolston Scout Group, or want to see other groups that might have more places available, please click here.
  4. We will be in touch to confirm if we are able to offer your child a place, with details of a likely start date.
  5. You either accept or reject the place (if you don’t accept the place your child will come off the waiting list and another child be given the opportunity).
  6. We then send you a link to OSM to get your child’s information onto the database
  7. We’ll invite your child to section meetings and then get invested as a member of our Group.

If your child is invited to join us, you’ll be welcome to come to some initial sessions while they settle in.


We’d like to give you a heads up on some things that will not help you get a place:

  • Asking leaders, or current members/their parents, to put you on the list- the only way to join the waiting list is to complete our joining form (details above)
  • Asking leaders for updates- our leaders don’t manage the waiting list and won’t know the answer to this, or be able to help.
  • Having a sibling in the group already- please complete a new joining form per child, children are dealt with individually.
  • Comparing your child to others that have been offered a place- we won’t discuss anything to do with other children with you, and even if it might not seem fair that a friend has potentially been offered a place before you, if this is the case it will be for a good reason. We follow a process when offering places in our Group and there are several factors that determine this to ensure this is done fairly.

We understand that it can be frustrating waiting for places- especially if we don’t have space for your child. Please be assured that we’re doing everything we can do get as many children involved, as soon as we can!

HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

Find out more
King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III